Sometimes I like to make things other than quilts
Fear and Protection
What stops us from becoming what we dream to be? Is it fear, pain, traditional expectations, addiction, money – the lack of or the chasing of, family obligations.
Are these internal or external? The expectations of others or self imposed? Real or excuses? Does fear make us feel trapped like a caged bird, wanting to break free?
What is that we hold close and protect from the world? Surrounding it with many layers to protect those parts of ourselves we want to keep from the world, or even the truth we don’t want to acknowledge ourselves.
These scrolls represent the things that restrict us and that which we hide most closely.
This work was begun in the DEVELOP Masterclass with Glenys Mann at the National Quilt Symposium in Christchurch 2017. This 5 day class was designed to encourage your art practice development bring out what was already in your soul.
Exhibited at Changing Threads, Nelson, 2018.
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